So it's a start, after many years of procrastination, pouring over old Railway Modellers, drooling over Yaxbury in MRJ, Penhydd on the web and many other inspirational layouts (Abbotsbury Southern, High Beck & Netherton, Blythborough etc etc), I'm about to make a start.
I've always wanted my own branch line. I had a real one for a time between Leicester and Burton, that was great fun but now I look after St Pancras to Chesterfield and Branches so I've decided to opt for a much smaller version - N gauge. What! Hands thrown up in horror! I've only ever modelled in OO in the past, however, space constraints and mainly time considerations have pointed me towards 2mm - oh and the superb looking models these days. The idea I've toyed with is a little branch around the walls of my small upstairs office, intermingling with the furniture and things - unusual but practical I think.
So there we are, more to follow. Suffice to say if a 25 meandering along a Staffordshire/Derbyshire branchline first thing on a winters morning with the two coach newspaper/parcels train (portion of 1K00 Crewe - Stoke), arriving at a dimly lit terminus as the branch begins to wake for the day sounds enigmatic then hopefully this may appeal to you.
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